
Luxury Shopping Bags: Impress your Customers with a fancy and beautiful branded bag!

The luxury shopping bags are quality shopping bags, customized to represent at the best level the name of the Store or Business. They have always been a marketing tool with a high commercial impact.
Go around with a beautiful shopping bag, it is a totally different sensation than hold the ordinary plastic bag.
Used in stores rather than in exhibition halls, they can be made with different materials and customized with different printing techniques.
Initially, the shopping bags were made of thick paper, glossy or opaque laminated, printed with metallic foil (the most known gold and silver foil, but the metallic foils exist in various ranges of colors).
The first use of a shopping bag is just match a gift or a simple purchase.
Most Importantly, if well done, they are reused more and more times by those who receive it.

Therefore double advantage then: for those who make it, have their own name that runs on a valid marketing tool, and for those who receive it, have a fashion accessory useful for various applications.

Thanks to several international campaigns to sensitize users about the environmental impact of non-recyclable products, the tendency of shopping bags, changed from laminate paper to long term reusable materials.


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Not only luxury shopping bags…

Custom paper bags
Non-woven bags
Cotton / Linen bags


This product that we show you here below is exceptionally unique.
All strictly sewn and personalized by hand, it is also possible to print or embroider a logo, but the beauty is the decoration … Strictly obtained with hand coloring technique called marbling art, a special creative process that makes each product a single piece.

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