
Coffee Packaging products:

Custom Coffee Bags, Foil Bag, Flat Pouches, Stand-up Pouches, Gusseted Bags and much more!

We can provide several professional solutions for Coffee packaging.
One of the most requested item is Coffee bags or coffee pouches with one-way valves. The valves are used to allow freshly roasted coffee be packed immediately. In this way, while keeping oxygen out, coffee can degas within the bag.

MOQ can vary on the basis of the product. Please fell free to ask any information by sending a message with the form below.


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Source: The Motley Fool

A Brand New Coffee Investment Opportunity

Are there still opportunities in the coffee market for coffee raised in an environmentally and socially responsible way?

Coffee–the world just can’t get enough of it. Consumption estimates run as high as 2.2 billion cups worldwide per day. At first we all want to act surprised by that number, but then we remember how many cups we personally contributed.

Every year coffee is in higher demand around the world, which leads to higher prices — a seemingly good thing since most of the world’s coffee comes from rural farmers in developing countries. Yet historically, many coffee producers never taste the benefits of this century’s coffee boom.

Social responsibility
Consumers have become more aware of farmers’ needs through initiatives such as Fair Trade Coffee. Several studies have found that not only do consumers care about where their coffee comes from, but that they are often willing to pay more for java grown in a responsible way.

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