
Gift Box and the Box Collection Trend…

A huge percentual of Consumers go literaly crazy for beautiful product boxes…

Beautiful boxes used as sale packaging cookies, coffee, chocolate, cigars, liquors, have been collected by Consumers for hundreds of years and it still be a trend.

A beautiful box of a parfume, can become a nice penholders on your desk, but not only…. Nice boxes and cases can find dozen of application in our everyday life!

For this reason, following this trend and understanding how many people actually really like to re-use the beautiful product boxes, many Brands just gift their Customers with nice branded box/cases.

Giving a gift to Consumers is a smart practise of marketing to consolidate the Customer’s fidelity.
The occasions can be so many: a business birthday, a consumation target, a special event, the launch of a new shop or of a new product….

The gift box or case is gifted with or without contents…

Some of the best contents for the gift box are:

Shoppers typically focus their attention on individual packaging for no longer than 1.6 seconds. That gives the packaging a very limited time during which to do two things: capture shopper attention within the category and communicate the brand message effectively.

Gift boxes or occasion-based promotional packaging can be a particularly effective way to grab their attention and encourage shoppers to pick up a product.


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